Fringe: The Ghost Network (2008)
Season 1, Episode 3
I can say that by the time the credits rolled I was quite entertained and will be back next week
25 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Fringe: se1 ep3 9-25-08

The opening scenes of this episode demonstrated a series who was seemingly unwilling to break away from the cliché "procedural drama" formula. All the components are here right down to the pre-opening intro scene that introduces this episodes unique dilemma. Where it falters in bringing to the table anything unique structurally it makes up for in what I am now officially going to call the "fringe twist". That is to say the only area the series seems to stand out is its capacity to create unique twists on tried and true sci-fi paranormal schlock. This ep had me fooled into thinking I knew what was going on then subverted said expectations in a rather unique little way. The series has also has a tough time balancing the characters procedural side with the more human know the side that laughs/smiles etc.. In this the third ep of this new series I'm not yet willing to wave its banner and claim fandom but I can say that by the time the credits rolled I was quite entertained and will be back next week.
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