The Wine Bar (2006)
23 September 2008
An average sort of guy (played by Seth Fisher) goes into a snooty wine bar and he's completely out of place--especially when he tries to order a beer. Not only that, but he wants the beer that just yells working man--Pabst Blue Ribbon. The bartender gives him a look that could just kill and informs him they only have wines--at which point the man reluctantly orders "red". You find yourself feeling sorry for the shmoe because of this and your sense of embarrassment for him increases when he strikes up a conversation with a lady who at first seems completely indifferent to his attention to her. There is much, much more to the film than this, but it's best you see it yourself to keep some suspense. Suffice to say that this "ordinary guy" turns out to be pretty exceptional--leading to an excellent ending.

Overall, thanks to exceptional writing, directing and acting, this romantic short really shines--so much so that I really hope some big-shots with lots of money approach these people with a bigger project. I'd really love to see what they could do with 90 minutes instead of just a little over 11! Exceptional throughout--this one is a real winner.
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