Suez: A Very British Crisis (2006 TV Movie)
Suez: A very flawed documentary
17 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The documentary is about the whole Suez Crisis. Since it done by BBC, it focus on the British and Egypt interaction before the Suez Campaign. The goal of the documentary makers are to make the British PM look like a lier, and that the Nasser is a great freedom fighter. The documentary succeed in its goal, but does it by leaving out facts and distort time lines.

Some of the factual faults in this documentary: It never tells the truth about why Israel is involved in the Suez Campaign. It totally forgets to tell that when Nasser nationalized the canal, Nasser cut off all Israel shipping routs. How would the British feel if France denied the UK to sail ship out of the country? Well: that would be a deceleration of war. The same thin Nasser did to Israel.

The documentary tells the tale that Egypt nationalized the canal since Britain stopped loans to them. What they fail to tell, is that Nasser had a year before started to get Soviet arms. How can UK give loan to a country who is allied with Soviet?

The documentary tells that it was OK for the Egypts to nationalize the canal, since it made huge profits and where located in Egypt. Why did not the Egyptian's them self build the canal? Why did the Egyptians sell their stake in the Canal? Why did not the Egyptians respect the 99 year lease?

That is some of the lies in this docu = 1 star / 10
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