Jack Black plays Jack Black - again!
14 September 2008
Woohoo! I cant believe my luck! I get to see Jack Black play the same annoying humorless limpet as he always does. Maybe this time he will actually 'act' or maybe tell a 'joke' or set up a humorous 'scene'. But no. It was not forthcoming. I was patient, I waited through the whole movie and still nothing.

Did middle America make this movie? It was conservative, stuffy and lacked creativity. I didn't see a single unexpected twist or clever line or even a decent performance (most of the actors were children - so Jack had the advantage of experience).

Please stop Jack Black from making anymore movies about his rock and roll exploits, if he wants to be a funny musician then he can team up with Jankovich or stick with Tenacious D - the movie format doesn't work with the lameness of Jack's humour. He needs a radio spot I reckon - just keep him away from a camera. Please.
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