".....And your Dad is WHO?!?!!!"
10 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
(( Alternate Title for this review: "Thank god for espresso machines that make you take your clothes off." )).

(( Alternate Theme for this film: A Plaid Print becomes the saving grace: It saves a job....it saves a marriage....and it saves a guy/guy romance. What more could any of us ask from such a small thing? )).

Not to be outdone in the year 2007, of some quite good gay films (the Yank's "Shelter" and the Brit's "Oh Happy Day"), now comes along Germany's funnily enjoyable "Fashion Victims." Film features the Germanic version of Trevor Wright (a wonderfully ingratiating Florian Bartholomai as the near 20 year old, virginal Karsten) and a Teutonic Brad Rowe (fun loving, but caring, Roman Knizka as gay-experienced, 30-something Steven). Here's a marvelous little movie I truly believe you're gonna love. Why? Because you will so like this guy, Steven, with his light-hearted and devilish approach to life...and to getting our oh-so-innocent Karsten into bed for his very first time. And you'll absolutely fall in love with relative newcomer Bartholomai as the does'nt-know-what-to-do young innocent in need of a "guiding hand" (no, no....not a hand for "that" purpose; well, maybe there WILL come a time for that). Karsten is played as just about the most lovable gay youth you're going to come across---he's so sweetly shy it almost pours off the screen. (I'll bet you thought "Shelter's" Zach was that person; I do admit: it's a hard call). And as for the fun to be with Steven, let's just say that he's more than eager to give our Karsten the guidance he's in need of. And if you closely watch, you will see that "K's" presence always seems to put a grin on the devilish Steven's face. Gotta say that "S" does have great eyes---just watch them closely anytime he's with Karsten...they practically devour the kid throughout this film.

If there's any bad news for those of you looking ONLY for gay romance, it's that you'll have to wade through a lot of "family stuff". In this regard, Karsten's parents can't be left out of consideration; actually much of this movie involves them. It might not really be called a "gay film," per se; it's more a "family affair kind of thing"...with Dad being front and center for most of it, and Mom having her little bits from time to time. Dad, Wolfgang, pretty much comes across as a know-it-all S.O.B., which throughout the film poses a big question for us: Is he going to wind up being redeemable in our eyes (and Karsten's...and Mom's)? As for Mom, Erika (who knows more than our sweet young guy thinks she does), she is his most loving and supportive fall-back person. And, most wonderfully, she takes no crap from anyone. So,what we really have with these two older characters, are parents playing out their own little war...a "War of the Roses" if you will (most of you likely way too young to remember this 1989 Michael Douglas romp).

Speaking of "war," perhaps this is the best point to mention that "Fashion Wars" might have been a far better film title, inasmuch as it certainly does have its share of skirmishes (well, admittedly, its share of "victims," too). Of course, who knows how "twisted" words become when subtitling German to English for (in that regard, I can say there were other noticeable "rough spots" in this film).

Just a few wrap-up thoughts for you here:

  • Not to be forgotten, there's that brilliantly done home bedroom segment in which Karsten receives both an unexpected visitor and his first kiss. It's one of "those" scenes viewers find themselves almost physically holding their breath in anticipation (and Steven really, really does outdo himself here).

  • Maybe it's just me and my not getting the whole "lesbian scene" thing, but more and more, as the film progressed, I was getting the impression that Mom's "helpful" friend, Brigitta (a brashly funny Traute Hoess), wants to be a lot more than "just a friend"---if you get my drift.

  • When the film's long-a-coming "showdown" finally does arrive, it's a doozie. Yes, indeed, you are going to love this film's final "action" scene (NO, not "that" kind of action---keep a clean mind why don't'cha). All I'll say is that it involves a vehicle...and a shotgun...and some sidesplitting moments.

  • The film-end denouement between father and son is near pitch perfect. It is a memorably happy moment, even topping Mom's wonderful final scene with her son ("I know---I understand---I accept"). What more could any gay boy ask for?

  • Other than the preceding, I'll only add: I am so mad at you, Mr. Director! Why? It seems to me that a little see-you-later kiss through a vehicle window, at film's end, would have been a great way to wind things up (must I do all the thinking for you guys?). Anyway, thanks for an otherwise wonderful little ending scene; your gay audiences will ever appreciate being left with a feeling of hope.

PS--Oh yes, oh yes........you're gonna have fun with this one.

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