Review of True Blood

True Blood (2008–2014)
Vampire Smut: Bad plot, bad accents, and just plain bad
11 September 2008
First off I have to say that this program probably isn't intended for me (college aged male), but I am an avid fan of the vampire genre all in all (excluding those Anne Rice novels except Interview). This seems more for those people who like the Twilight novels and the more racy Anne Rice books. All in all though it's not the triteness of the show that gets me, plenty of vampire stories have been successful without being the least bit original. My problem with this is the acting is terrible, the pacing is atrocious, and just the general presentation of the show is abhorrent. The plot focuses on the in your face virginal Suki (not sure how you spell that) a psychic who won't accept her paranormal state, and her meeting the vampire Bill, which you are almost sure is Bell by the horrible accent Anna Paquin puts on. This takes me to my aforementioned point, as a preface I live in the south and have spent many years around the people from Louisiana, and they talk nothing like this. Every time I heard the forced southern accents I wanted to rip my hair out, Hollywood in general does bad southern accent but these are soo bad it was almost insulting. This is coupled with pretentious acting for an onslaught of suck. Back to the narrative, so virgin meets vampire from there I'm sure it goes into a budding romance that will take nearly the entire season to come to fruition. I've seen the first two episodes, which is two hours of the series, none of which I couldn't predict what was happening not to mention it took forever to get there. Honestly it felt more like some awful Anne Rice fan fiction than anything else. Finally I come to the other awful part about this show, is the way it ends it's episodes. They just end at some arbitrary point. It's kind of like if you are watching a movie and the power just goes out randomly that's how these episodes end. I understand trying to create tension with a cliff hanger, but just ending without any sort of rhythm to the narrative just leaves a terrible feeling with the viewer. If you read this just know that I feel better having ripped this POS apart, by chance that you like this show and hate me for it then go ahead. Like I said I realize it's not for me, but I also realize how terrible it truly is. To think this got greenlit over Preacher is criminal, criminal I tell you!
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