A glimpse of "Prehistoric" America
3 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is no great shakes but the images of a 1930's New York are to be treasured. Six Day Bicycle Races at Madison Square Garden, the pseudo Cotton Club with "native" dancers with huge Afros and feather headdresses (no bones through the nose, fortunately), audiences for wrestling matches all in formal evening wear...magic! McCrea gives his usual sterling performance, he could show integrity with a steely glance and does well as a former Dartmouth letterman lured into pro wrestling for the easy money. Robert Benchley steals the too few scenes he is in and there is a nice contrast between the "straight arrow" world of Dartmouth and the murky world of pro-wrestling. The final match itself where McCrea is scheduled to throw the bout but instead grapples to win is poorly handled, too many shots are undercranked to make them appear more flowing and violent but succeed only in giving a Keystone Kops-like manic quality to them. Although McCrea clearly does a number of the action sequences there are also several shots where a body double takes the falls and whose shock of dark hair compares poorly with McCrea's blond locks.

Since there is no Discussion Board for this movie I'll ask here - the black trainer in McCrea's corner has "Satchmo" stitched onto his sweater and he has a certain resemblance to a young Louis Armstrong, he's not credited, but COULD it be him?
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