Review of Rogue

Rogue (2007)
It's getting old.
2 September 2008
First and foremost, do not be deceived by the cover in thinking this will be a gory film. There is more blood on the cover than the movie itself. I do not know why this was released by Dimension Extreme, because it could have easily gotten a PG-13 rating if they took out a few f-words. On the violence scale, this is maybe a 2/10. Do not expect a gory movie. At all.

With that said, the lack of gore worked for it rather than against it. By far the main focus here is the tension, and the "this could happen to you" feeling. This made the first 3/4 insanely solid and well-done, even a little scary.

But the last 1/4 was a complete disaster, similar to Alien vs. Predator in style and layout. The movie did a total 180 from neat realistic horror to cheesy, laughable b-monster movie. It was too over-the-top and cliché for the type of story it started as. That really screwed up the entire thing.

The other main problem I had was the lack of ANYTHING even remotely similar to originality. It used the exact same formula as every other giant crock movie. Why couldn't a director as talented as Greg McLean think of something at least slightly original? Surely he could think of something that could happen in real life that would be this terrifying, but not so unoriginal.

I just wish he would have at least tried.

The movie was good, but nothing to phone home about. It's just as unoriginal as it looks, and it has NO gore to boot it. It creates tension some, but kills it with the lame ending.

Take it or leave it. I expected more from Greg McLean. Wolf Creek is far superior, though it lacks a lot of the same things this movie lacked. Namely anything even remotely original.

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