The last appearance of the rabbit that was nearly Bugs Bunny.
2 September 2008
*Wiping tears from eyes with hankie*

All right, not really, but for some reason I love this rabbit, even if he is a little mean to his companion in the cartoon.

In this old WB cartoon, we see a rabbit who is probably called Happy Rabbit and he was the bunny that evolved into Bugs Bunny. He first appears as a rabbit that looks a lot different (but better) in "Porky's Hare Hunt" and this bunny's next appearance was "Prest-O Change- O". He was called, informally, Happy Rabbit. Happy Rabbit then evolved into another cartoon bunny (I do not know if he was called Happy Rabbit as well) and his first appearance is "Hare- um Scare-um". His last appearance is this cartoon, which is why I have mentioned all this information.

BE PREPARED FOR MORE INFORMATION. This is one of Elmer Fudd's debuts. His other debut is "A Feud There Was." In "A Feud There Was", there is an old WB character called Egghead, but he is called Elmer Fudd. The reason this cartoon is one of Elmer Fudd's debuts is because that this is the first cartoon where his name is mentioned. In "Elmer's Candid Camera", he behaves more like Elmer Fudd and looks more like Elmer Fudd, but his appearance was to change into who we know today in the future.

Anyhow, in this cartoon, Elmer is going to photograph wildlife. He goes out and soon finds Happy Rabbit, peacefully sleeping (for some reason in open view). Happy Rabbit wakes up and is very angry with Elmer for photographing him, as he had never met him. You would not like being photographed by a complete stranger without permission, would you? Cartoon capers commence...

I like this cartoon for Happy Rabbit (even though some of his violence aimed at Elmer is a wee bit unnecessary), Elmer Fudd, the animation and the way some of the gags turn out. There is no real plot, even less so than in most plot less cartoons.

I recommend this to people who have an understanding of how it feels to be photographed by a complete stranger, Happy Rabbit and Elmer Fudd. Enjoy "Elmer's Candid Camera"! :-)

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