man's best friend
1 September 2008
Well I admit it... it worked on me and at the end of the movie I was a blubbering mess. It is a cleverly manipulative little gem and you will need a box of tissues. Its a real tear jerker and in this cynical age that's rather lovely. It is a case of anthroprorphism gone mad. It all about a cute(incredibly cute)little dog who has a beautiful friendship with old Jock, a kind hearted shepherd. Poor old Jock gets the boot from his employees and Bobby (the dog) follows the old man to Edinburgh. Its not Lassie comes home its Bobby follows Jock. The message is clear dogs pick their owners. Poor old Jock dies and well you know the rest. I saw the film as a kid and loved the story. There are a few liberties taken but trust Disney to tug at the heart strings, indeed its masterful.It is never creeky though. The film looks wonderful and it really has stood the test of time better than other Disney movies such as Condor man.The setting is beautiful and its one of the best Disney productions of all. Shamelessly sentimental but because of the winning performances by Laurence Naismith and the exceptional Donald Crisp it wins out every time. The whole cast are superb and as for that dog... it should have got an Oscar as best actor.
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