Neighbours: Episode #1.5470 (2008)
Season 1, Episode 5,470
"You're not trying to understand"
28 August 2008
Wow, is that the second time this week Steph's said something spot on and then apologised?Otherwise, it's Toadie's episode as he goes through the full gamut of emotions, lashing out at everyone and going through denial.Not the easiest thing to watch but still strangely compelling.But what was Steph's conversation with Karl and Susan all about?Is she thinking that now Toadie's new life's gone belly-up she's in with a chance?

The episode opens with a massive info-dump between Miranda and Nicola that just about works, although you wonder what Bridget, who's supposedly just down the hall, was doing while Nicola told her lies. It's pretty obvious Nicola is jealous of Miranda's life, even though she's not the sort of person who lives like that.Steve's attitude is odd-he doesn't seem to believe Nicola but he asks her to stay.Is he just sucking up to her for Miranda's sake?

And the cracks are definitely appearing in Marco and Carmella's relationship.Something is going to have to give soon.
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