I Spy: Return to Glory (1966)
Season 1, Episode 21
Drags a bit....
24 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
....but a bad I Spy show is still better than a lot of other shows' best episodes. Kelly and Scotty seem a bit dim-witted here as it is obvious to the audience that they are being taken for a ride by the villains all along. The scenes seem padded, Victor Jory apparently has been told to stretch his lines, and the wrap-around device with Antoinette Bower is a time-waster. The attempted assassination in a plaza filled with people seems to draw only our heroes' attentions and the obvious trap with a guy with a machete at the end of an alley seems a tad obvious. The 2 attackers chose to attack one at a time so that they could easily be handled. How lucky was that? I'm not sure this comment contains a spoiler as the whole episode is pretty pedestrian, but I'll check mark the box anyway. I presume that they had some unusable location footage and ended up with a 1/2 hour show and had to stretch it out and drag it out and make it longer and longer in order to come up with the amount of time needed to fill the slot much like I am being forced to do now because of some inane rule of IMDb's that we have to have 10 lines or more to make a comment.
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