Money Sucking Crap
20 August 2008
When it was first announced that another star wars clone wars series was commissioned I was quite excited, then I found out Genndy would have nothing to do with it, then I heard it was CGI, then I heard they were releasing the pilot as a movie. AS you can see it continuously snowballs in crap as it thunders downhill. This "movie" (TV pilot turned money sucker) wouldn't be all that bad on TV, but the fact is Lucas expects you to pay 10 bucks to see a Saturday morning cartoon; plain and simple. The writing matches that of Power Rangers minus the lovable camp and retaining only the stupidity. Like Power Rangers it is also very repetitive. How many times is a clone trooper shooting lasers at droids entertaining? And the thing is it should be cool, The first 2d Clone Wars pulled this off so many times and made it very exciting and dare I say suspenseful.With this movie they just repeat and reuse the same stuff over and over again.

Now on to the characters. Surprisingly Anikin is actually tolerable in this, Yoda is Yoda, but with Obi-wan the acting felt flat even for a Saturday morning cartoon. Then there is this little brat names Asoka, she is terrible. She not terrible in her acting or even the cheesy banter between her and Anikin might be tolerable outside of a Star Wars movie. But it is a star wars movie, and she is supposed to be training under Anikin yet constantly ignores his orders, talks back, and generally disrespects him. I mean aren't Jedi supposed to be this noble order with high respect for those more wise and learned? Think about if Luke Skywalker continuously made jokes about Yoda's age the entire time, that's Asoka. It'd be like if you threw Kimmy Gibler or an unfunny tween chick version of Bart Simpson into a temple of Shaolin Monks, it makes no sense what so ever. I guess that's what really defines this movie nothing makes sense in it, even worse than the episodes 1,2, and 3.

Then there is the general feeling you get from the end of the "movie", that none of what just happened really mattered. Remember after you saw episode I and you kind of thought to yourself "most of this movie is CGI fluff" (coughpodracecough), that is this movie. Action just to fill time, jokes to fill space on a script, and a plot that goes nowhere as fast as a Sarlac pit, which I think might be more tolerable than Asoka.

All in all this type of program might work better on TV, especially being on Cartoon Network (and reruns on TNT). Even then my 10 year old nephew who has seen the original trilogy, the Genndy clone wars, and even the prequels, hated this. Excuse his unpolitical correctness but he asked me "Was this made for retards?", which after seeing this isn't a bad question. I don't think it was made for them just made by them.
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