Masterfully Crafted Movie On Every Level
15 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is simply a masterfully crafted movie on every level featuring remarkable acting, writing and directing. The film delivers true drama and true emotion. Some may label the pace of the film as slow but it's exactly how the story needed to unfold. It's amazing how a plot revolving around this concept can be presented in a way that's not heavy handed or even overly religious. Just like in life itself, the interpretations and ramifications of faith is wonderfully complex. The cynic may see coincidental happenstance but the believer will see so much more. I enjoyed how the events of this movie took on the same tone. What did we see and why? As the old saying goes…"For those who believe no explanation is necessary, for those who do not, none will suffice."


For those who believe, they'll get caught up in this tremendous, well acted story. A story about hope and what role faith and miracles of all degree play in life's journey. (A tip of the cap to the director... the scene where the image is being viewed by many and then is in jeopardy had my audience gasping and cringing just like the onlookers on screen.)

For those who do NOT believe, they'll get cheated by their own limitations and see nothing more then a guy that got shortchanged $30,000 for a run-down house. I truly feel sorry for those that fall in to this crowd.
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