Mutially Assured Destruction
14 August 2008
When It comes to "making of" extras, I find myself of several minds.

One is a matter of hunger. I watch a movie with the intent of getting it all, of circumnavigating whatever I see, plumbing what it has, what it implies and what it can carry for me. My mind is reaching and weaving right after seeing a film and if on DVD, I reach for those extras.

But they almost always disappoint. My domain is always bigger than that of the packaged metanarrative. It must be because that the very point.

But sometime there I a bigger gap than otherwise and I end up hating the experience. This is rare for me. I pride myself on getting something out of any film, no matter its intent, in spite of its poor craft. But when One film kills another, it I a matter for action.

So I recommend that you avoid this. The movie in question: "Earth, Still" isn't hefty to begin with. What this set of interviews will tell you I that the makers were aware of cold war notions (who wasn't?) and that they strove for reality. All else kills the experience.

So even though my rating code only allows as low as "not worth watching" this one ranks below: it will negate an already frail film experience.

Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
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