Review of Dr. Nora

Frasier: Dr. Nora (1999)
Season 6, Episode 20
13 August 2008
Does anyone remember Dr. Laura Schlesinger? This episode basically rips her a new one and I love it for that. Christine Baranski is perfect as "Dr. Nora," who sucks up to Frasier in order to get her own radio show at KACL and then shocks him by revealing herself to be a crazy, judgemental wannabe psychologist whose degree turns out to entitle her to be nothing more than a gym teacher. Of course, she clashes with Frasier and hilarity ensues. The guest calls on this one are great too. Poor Jenny from Tacoma (voiced by Gillian Anderson). Dr. Nora called her a whore for living with her boyfriend. Jenny's response: "But I'm not a whore, I'm a flight attendant." Dr. Nora's comeback: "And you think there's no overlap?" Also, watch for Piper Laurie as Nora's mother out for revenge. She totally brings back the scary mom persona from Carrie.
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