Review of Mulberry St

Mulberry St (2006)
enjoyable, worth watching, but will not change your life
6 August 2008
I think this movie should make big time Hollywood film-makers a bit nervous. (I would go on about this point but enough reviewers have already talked about what it had taken to get this film made and i don't want to sound redundant). I wouldn't say its any better than say 28 days (or even weeks) later, but its also certainly not worse. There were in fact moments of this film that I got really into and I would say outdid some of the other zombie films. For example in movies like 30 days of night (which basically is more of a zombie type movie than vampire)there is the long tedious scenes where they are watching for the vampires through a crowded basements window, or in 28 days later sniping zombies from a rooftop. This movie just flat out didn't have time to do anything like that (that is once it really got going), it moved very fluently. Another example would be that at no part in this movie did the characters ever use a gun against the zombies. The dialog was great, the characterization was awesome, and you were really rooting for their safety.

Now for the few downfalls. There is no twists or turns in this movie (not that it has to have one to make the film good). It was for the most part predictable in the general storyline sense. I got annoyed with how often there was a newscast to announce what was going on. Even tho it was a good refreshing zombie movie, there still wasn't anything incredibly new.
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