Review of Devil's Den

Devil's Den (2006)
How the mighty have fallen
1 August 2008
Devon Sawa goes the way of Corey Haim and Wil Wheaton in demonstrating that being teen pretty-boy idol is no guarantee of adult success.

This film is dire to the max. Every cliché and stereotype that the script writers could squeeze into it, is present. How they can have any pride in themselves is beyond me.

Devil's Den is essentially a crass version of the already fairly crass Dusk till Dawn minus any of the road trip stuff before the ensemble (in D2D) arrives at the strip club. Kelly Hu provides appealing female eye candy, whilst the banter between Ken Foree and Sawa just about provides enough entertainment to prevent you completely lapsing into a drooling coma.

The only remotely interesting part is that Sawa perfectly plays the vacuous dumb blonde that he appears to be in real life.

I'm lousy at working out in advance how plots will unfold, and even I had figured out the "twist" within 1 second of the characters' real motivations being revealed. It was about as surprising as sun in the desert.

The only reason I kept watching, was I had some ironing to do, and I couldn't be bothered to change the channel. I kept waiting for the "proper" film to start, but the movie was over before I realised this was the proper film - sadly.

The creature effects were okay, but utterly wasted in this unimaginative dross.

All that's left to Sawa is adverts for hair restore lotion and impotence cures, then he'll have sunk as low as it's possible for him to go.
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