The Sopranos: Proshai, Livushka (2001)
Season 3, Episode 2
Woe is me
28 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Tony encounters Meadow's latest beau, a guy of mixed lineage (Tony will refer to the kid as something along the lines of Mandingo Goldberg). Tony quickly sends the guy packing, which will lead to a whole season of trouble with Meadow. Then, just when it's least expected, Ma Soprano ups and dies (that's because Nancy Marchand had died). Tony's flaky sister Janice attempts to run the show and, being a woman of opportunity, declares at the burial that she will be moving into her late mother's home. The post-burial reception is a classic, with the hair-flipping and increasingly exasperated Janice trying to coax a kind word out of anybody about Livia. Goodbye, Livia. You made Tony's life a living hell, and will continue to do so unto eternity. Watch Tony's face as Janice does her thing at the funeral party. And keep an ear out for Janice's maudlin story about her mother, which helps explain Janice's bizarre behavior (she lives on California state disability under an assumed name, has never worked a day in her life, keeps talking about making a self-help video based on her "extraordinary visual skills," and goes on a hunt for hidden treasure in her mother's basement).
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