Batman: The Animated Series: The Forgotten (1992)
Season 1, Episode 23
Who is Bruce Wayne?
26 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is an excellent episode, because of many reasons. Sean Catherine Derek, Jules Dennis, and Richard Mueller did a great job writing the script. Alfred finds out Bruce Wayne is missing. When Alfred smells danger, he uses his own method of finding Bruce Wayne. Its a simple way of showing how faithful Alfred is.

In this episode, we see that Bruce Wayne has amnesia. We see him working hard with others. He doesn't know who he is, because of his amnesia. But when he realizes who he is ("My family" flashback), he becomes far more stronger than other human beings. The script brilliantly shows what makes Bruce Wayne "Batman" and how he is different from other human beings. The flashback sequence is handled brilliantly by the writers.

Another good point is there are no major villains like Joker or Riddler or Mad Hatter in this episode. And this helps to focus more on the character of Bruce Wayne.
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