Hasta La Vista, Baby OH BABY!
26 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! Phew! This has never happened to me before … I've never been in love as much as I'm in love with Lady Terminator. Ours is a marriage made in heaven and I swear I'll love her till the end of times. She's quite the lady, all right, but she's also so much more. She's the duchess of sleaze, the queen of exploitation, the empress of tastelessness and the goddess of rip-offs! This is quite possibly the most outrageously amusing movie ever made and all those people complaining about how awful and unoriginal it is should either lay off drinking entire bottles of vinegar and/or make the effort to research what the (foreign) exploitation film industry is all about, anyway. How do you recognize the ideal cult movie classic? Well, if you're witnessing gratuitous nudity, bloody killings, eels crawling out a woman's vagina and inexplicably changing into a daggers and delightfully cheesy quotes like "I shall now retire to the see but return in a hundred years to have my vengeance on your great-great-granddaughter…"), during the first five minutes – even before the opening credits appeared on screen – THEN I'd say you found yourself the ideal cult movie classic. And it even gets better… Much better, in fact!

One hundred years ago, the malignant Queen of the South Sea swore to kill the female descendant of the man she loved but whom betrayed her. To fulfill this promise, the Queen's evil spirit possesses the luscious body of an innocent young anthropologist student (Barbara Anne Constable in her sole but unforgettable performance) and turns her into an indestructible, unstoppable, sex-driven and relentless killing machine. Armed with heavy artillery and a literally endless amount of ammunition, Lady Terminator goes on her mission and she isn't too concerned about the trail of collateral damage she leaves. Our heroine quickly finds her target but she – Erica – receives protection from a clique of hilariously implausible cop characters, one with a ludicrous mullet. I honestly can't imagine anyone who watches "Lady Terminator", with the correct attitude and/or in the right state of mind, won't tremendously enjoy it! Everything about this movie is so WRONG; I simply love it! The sudden change in tone, from an Indonesian folklore myth about the Queen of the South Sea into a wannabe American Sci-Fi imitation of one of the genre's greatest classics, is stupendously amusing, the character drawings are wondrously inept, the dialogs as well as the acting performances and the English dubbing are completely bonkers to listen to and – last but not least – the use of violence is so unimaginably excessive and graphical!

If you love James Cameron's "The Terminator" (and who doesn't, right?), you actually should watch "Lady Terminator" and try and consider it as some sort of crazy homage. As soon as the possessed girl walks out of the sea butt-naked, the shamelessly copied ideas and sequences of "The Terminator" become impossible to list. Almost identical to how Arnold Schwarszenegger did it, Lady Terminator dodges shotgun bullets, drives a car into a police station in broad daylight, performs eyeball operations on herself and makes a whole lot of victims before she reaches Sarah Connor… I mean, Erica. This movie literally has everything: gore, sex, stupidity, bizarre characters, a typically 80's pop-song sung from start to finish, an incredibly inappropriate "we're falling in love" sub plot and a stoned 80's dude with the ugliest mullet hairdo ever. Please marry me, Lady Terminator?
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