Supertrashy post-apocalyptic Italian action flick.
25 July 2008
This post-apocalyptic film is a barrage of non-stop action and cheese. A ruthless corporation decides to exterminate inhabitants of the Bronx. In the future. In the year 2000. The said inhabitants from the future, strangely resemble every conceivable type of pop star from the early 1980's; from synth pop futurists to New Wave cheesemongers to heavy metal poodle-permers. Funnily enough, it only appears to be 'the future' in the Bronx - on the streets of Manhattan it clearly seems to be 1983. Confused? You should be; this is after all an 80's Italian sci-fi actioner.

Bronx Warriors 2 is full of action and stupidity. It's a lot of fun. It's chock-full of silly characters. The star Mark Gregory makes for a ridiculous hero. Antonio Sabato is hilariously OTT as a character inexplicably called Toblerone. Henry Silva phones in a performance of a man shouting on a phone.

You can never truthfully be bored with this movie. It's action from start to finish. And there are some hilarious details to enjoy. For instance, the model of the redeveloped city - in it, not only have they went to the trouble of hilariously depicting the Bronx buildings in crumbling detail but if this is true to scale then the Bronx is only three blocks big! This film would make a great double-bill alongside Bruno Mattei's equally trashy post-apocalyptic movie, Rats (1984). That would be a good night of fun for the Italian Z-Movie aficionado. Ciao!
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