On of the most mind blowing movies ever and a brilliant performance by Health Ledger
22 July 2008
Batman Begins when it was released 4 years ago it set the new bar for superhero movies. It was the first superhero movie I like. What Christopher Nolan did in dark knight was set a new bar for superhero movies and all movies alike. This film was directed superbly, fantastic editing and music, and some of the best acting of this decade. Most of the action scenes were jaw dropping, no other movie wowed more then this movie did. Health Ledger is nothing short of amazing, I thought the bad guy in No Country For Old was scary. This is the best Joker and one of the best performances of all time. The joker on this movie is sadistic and insane I was literally shaking in my seat I was blown away by Health Ledger. His performances is a masterpiece even better than the movie itself. Even though Health Ledger performances did steal the entire show the , Aaron Eckhart did also a fantastic job too and also Oscar worthy too. This is Christopher Nolan best film and has a lot of good ones and this one just better than of all their films and a lot of other films than general. This film well for sure be look on as a classic for many years and definitely influence young film makers for many years.
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