Here Comes My Husband
19 July 2008
One of the rarer of the Charley Chase movies, this is from his 'Jimmie Jump' period of one-reelers. He had already picked up Leo McCarey as director -- co-director, because Chase pretty much ran his own unit at Roach, having started as director-general and worked himself up to series star, so to speak.

Anyway, in this one, Charley is called upon to go out with his boss on a date with the boss' mistress, to act as a beard. Although many of Chase's one-reelers were loosely-plotted with plenty of room for gags, this one is very tightly packed, the gags advance the plot and the whole short turns into something that actually has something to say. An undiscovered gem from before Chase's peak period, it should be more widely available -- but then, all of his films should be.
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