Review of The Happening

The Happening (2008)
Completely Disappointed - An Insult to Intelligence
18 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first time I'm ever giving a 1 out of 10. I think :p I see other people's comments regarding this movie and it is pretty much spot on. There are a few people defending this movie but they fail to defend it well. They speak of "The message" behind this movie. What message? Are you kidding me? Save the world? Give me a break. Global Warming is a joke. The earth is cooling and the ice caps are getting larger and thicker. Look it up. Don't be subjected to the Hitler Clause: If it's said enough times then people will believe it.

It is a no-brainer that fun, stupid and silly movies sell. They bring about laughter and that is the BEST emotion. Films like Zohan make it big because people LOVE to laugh. I recently watched Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay and I absolutely adored it. It was stupid, silly but GREAT fun. The Happening however, is absurd. It's stupid and silly in a completely different way: It insulted me. It insulted my intelligence.

You see The Sixth Sense, which is by far one of my favorite movies of all time, was made by a man who created not only a work of art, but a puzzle piece of which the viewer needed to pay full attention to or he or she would be lost and would not get the point of the movie. After coming out of that movie, I heard so many people saying "I don't get it". I didn't get THAT. NOW I do. Let's face it, most people do not have the kind of intelligence quotient required for the kind of movies that Shyamalan is capable of. IT SEEMS that either he's lost his edge or he's changed his ways and DUMBED his movies down in an attempt to appeal to "the masses". If that is the case, it sure did not work.

The story line is awful. The idea of what "happens" in this movie is ridiculous and even if he was attempting a "message" within this movie, it fails miserably. EVERYBODY knows....what we do to OUR environments. We are all WELL aware however, we are not children and we shouldn't have to be subjected to be subjected to being assumed that we all are . If I sum this movie up it would be this: "The trees and grass will kill us because we're killing them".

That sounds like something a child would say. Is it an impossible situation? No. It IS plausible however improbable. Plant life does not adapt en-mass to kill. It adapts to survive. They become resilient to anything that is thrown at them. The Chernobyl incident is a prime example. 20 Years after that accident, life is sprawling there. Trees and other plant life have taken over and have begun to break down all that man has built there. Even more surprisingly, animal life has INCREASED since that accident. The Plant kingdom does not NEED To (lol) kill all humans and even that is severely flawed. Any biologist would tell you that the premise of this movie is beyond silly.

I grant that this is a fictional tale however, fiction should at least be entertaining. I was completely bored with this movie and it was quite predictable.

Please go back to making intelligent movies, mister Shymalan and if not, at least start making FUNNY dumb movies. I'm sure you could do very, very well making a movie along the likes of "Scary Movie". Who knows, you might be the master at it.
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