Final Draft (2007)
Interesting psychological movie with a bit of lag
15 July 2008
First of all... "Final Draft" is not really a horror movie even the burnt creepy clown on the cover and in the trailer might suggest that. If you are in for some classic Clown-Horror kills this might be way wrong for you. The movie is really slow paced and basically just taking place in about 3-5 locations. It deals with a writer named Paul who dreams of an idea for a horror movie script which a friend of him rushes him to finish on a tight deadline of 18 days to get a movie deal for it on a meeting he arranged. The main actor played by Dawsons Creeks James van der Beek is a rather introvert guy and I think James captures his psychological dilemma very well. To deal with his writers block and finish the script without distractions he lets his friend lock him in his apartment for the 2 weeks. From here everything plays in a large, dark and rather empty apartment in a creepy industrial building where Paul hacks on his keyboard desperately trying to finish his story. When he mixes in too much of his personal experiences reality and his story begin to meld together. Beside the main actor I really liked the editing and little use of music which made the movie interesting. Its often hard to grasp whats real and whats imagination since the editing is strongly jumping in time, inter-cutting other sequences and lagging in sound. I think there are some real cool ideas in the script in how the characters Paul puts in his script to be killed by the clown for how they made his life harder start appearing in his apartment and talking to him typing their demise on his keyboard.While Punchy the clown rather acts on the sidelines he delivers his punches in a raw and untypical fashion. Final Draft could really be a great movie if it didn't stretch so much. Its really way to slow and could have been way tighter. There are so many fresh ideas in the script and editing its a shame that the suspense wears off after a while. If you like psychological Movies with horror and drama elements you sure should give this a try even if the movie has its flaws... especially the sound mixing which is way too low in the dialog and the unexplained cuts to events outside the apartment and not related to Pauls script or history put me off a bit.
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