Review of See Jane Run

See Jane Run (2007)
What horrified me the most...
15 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
...was that somehow this low-fi bit of exploitation made its way into my local library's system. Strictly a vanity project that only the movie makers' friends could ever love, "See Jane Run" is yet another example of why many young actors shouldn't get carried away with themselves, and how Joe "I've been in more movies than my brother, but he's done more TV" Estevez will take a paycheck any ol' day of the week.

Yr humble writer is tempted to hyperbolic excess, but will do his best to refrain. "See Jane Run" begs for it, though, begs for it on hands and knees with its head stuck through a kitty door. You'll see what I mean if you actually make the mistake of killing 86 minutes and uncountable brain cells watching it. Like I said, vanity project.

"See Jane Run" is yet another one of those tyro efforts that springs half-twisted from a single scene (in this case, one between the lead nutjob and his prime victim), and proceeds to build its crippled self around that scene. Note to the producers/writer/director/actors: that's NOT how you make a worthwhile movie! "See Jane Run" is rife with sophomoric dialog, a half-baked, old-hat premise (suburban cannibalism), a plethora of "oh, c'mons!" and more unconvincing acting, photography, and direction than you can disguise with mediocre cgi fx, derivative gore set pieces, and poorly-mixed music. I'll grant that the thing looks somewhat better than its obviously minuscule budget allowed, but that's just damning with faint praise. You folks can do better, I'm sure of it, but first things first: WRITE A DECENT SCRIPT!!

The rest of you reading this have been duly warned. Meanwhile, I'll be berating my local library for wasting public monies on this junk.
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