Moebius (1996)
Changing trains, changing plains
14 July 2008
I know I enjoyed this when it first came out, but I had entirely forgotten how well-made it is. In the screenwriter's own words, "Moebius" is the perfect machine. The light! The colors! The tracking shots! The sound design! The director general's giant glass-topped table! Combined with the bold proposition of an architect chasing a wayward train lost in the underground maze that is the subway system of Buenos Aires, the director's attention to detail makes for a holistically surreal experience. One guy who's sure to give you the creeps is the ancient, wailing lift boy taking our hero, Daniel Pratt, down to the university basement. Needless to say, the basement doubles as a subway station. On a forgotten line. Heading nowhere. As Pratt says, it's a strange game. Now Annabel Levy, in the part of his preteen sidekick Abril, I wonder what she's up to these days. It seems she hasn't made a movie since. Chances are she disappeared from the set, never to be met with again. What a shame.
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