A lot of hits and a lot of misses--but the hits are so good, it's worth seeing
12 July 2008
I recently watched this DVD and was impressed by the overall quality of the animated shorts. There were some definite duds on the disk--the worst of which were THE ADVENTURES OF RICARDO shorts--they were just cruel and NOT in any funny way. However, despite these few, there were so many wonderful shorts that it makes this a must-have DVD. Included among the good are the Oscar-nominate DAS RAD, PARKING (by Plympton), three of Adam Elliot's brilliant shorts (UNCLE, BROTHER and COUSIN), the bizarre but fascinating MT. HEAD (also Oscar-nominated), and some very cruel and very funny simple shorts by Hetzfeldt--and several others that were good but I don't have time to mention. I can't wait to see the next volume.

PS--Many of these better animations can be found on other DVD collections. For example, DAS RAD and MT. HEAD are both on the ART OF THE SHORT FILM DVD by Film Movement.

FYI--There are, at present, three volumes to this collection. My review was based on the first one. The second, was far inferior--with very little humor and too many "artsy" films. I'd rate that one a 5. The third was very different--less funny but very surreal and amazing--I'd score it an 8.
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