Tales from the Darkside: Basher Malone (1988)
Season 4, Episode 20
Magical and fairy tale type wrestling story that proves good beats evil.
7 July 2008
This "TFTD" episode titled "Basher Malone" centered around the theme of pro wrestling a sport that had grown to new heights of popularity and fame during the mid to late 80's. And this episode stayed true to form as it had Steve Strong as a good guy and rule respecting wrestler who always got inspiration from mom's chocolate chip cookies plus he was a fan favorite. Only he meets his match from a dirty promoter who creates a magical and supernatural type masked bad guy wrestler who appears out of a soda machine! Thru it all the action is fast and fun only in the end in the fairy tale type Basher Malone wins proving that good will defeat giant evil! Pretty good episode that certainly caught the times of the late 80's of the height of pro wrestling and this episode proved good focus to it.
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