Review of Kidulthood

Kidulthood (2006)
1 July 2008
I started watching Kidulthood entirely by mistake. I was flicking through the channels and I really didn't want to watch a film, but there was nothing else on, so I watched it for a little while 'just to see what it was like'. Anyway, I think I missed the first five minutes, but I watched the rest of the film, despite continually thinking, 'I'm going to turn this off in a minute, I don't want to watch a film'.

I can't relate to this film. I'm twenty-two, so only a few years older than the kids starring, but I'm not from London and I didn't grow up 'in da hood'. I have never known anyone who carries, or has carried a knife. I've never seen a gun. Don't get me wrong though, I'm working class and live in a working class area, about forty miles from London. I know these things go on, but I've never seen them and so, I cannot relate to Kidulthood.

Now then, I found the storyline fairly believable. The idea of covering everything that society despises in kids, into one film and a twenty-four hour period, was an interesting one. As the film covers one twenty-four hour period, everything happens quickly. I wouldn't say that was necessarily a bad thing, far from it. From scene to scene something always happens in this film - it's never given a chance to sit back or plod along. There's always something happening.

Kidulthood is brutal in it's portrayal of kids and their habits. It's definitely worth a watch.
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