Doctor Who: The Stolen Earth (2008)
Season 4, Episode 12
30 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Oh ho, what a episode. Lets look at the check list. Daleks - check. Earth in Peril - Check. Funny Lines - check. Epic action - check. Heck of a cliffhanger - triple check.

Russell T Davies proves to us all that he can write brilliant Doctor Who. Davros was captured perfectly and was performed with a wonderful subtle sinister tone by Julian Bleach. All the companions got their fair share of screen time, which many people doubted. It felt well paced rather than rushed. All strands of the series were brought together perfectly. The Bees, the lost planets, Rose. One or two gripes however. The Shadow Proclamation felt a little pointless, as if it was just there to give the doctor something to do, while the companions fretted about the Daleks. However this did not detract from my enjoyment of the episode. Magnificent acting from David Tennant, Catherine Tate, Billie Piper and John Barrowman. However the absolute best acting has to go to Elisabeth Sladen and Julian Beach, who were both brilliant as Sarah Jane and Davros respectively. Special mention to Gary Miler who played Scared Man too. I really hope Journey's end is this good. I really hope RTD can sign off his last series with style. but come Saturday we'll know.
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