Doctor Who: The Stolen Earth (2008)
Season 4, Episode 12
It was everything one could hope for in a Doctor Who episode!
29 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This episode, "The Stolen Earth," was truly a spectacular event. An epic and instant classic. It brings together elements from all four seasons and incorporates those varied bits in such a symmetrical and coherent way that it makes me wonder if Russell T. Davies, Executive Producer, hadn't had this all in mind from the start? It couldn't have all come together or worked any more perfectly if he had, in my view.

Certainly no modern Who adventure has had so many guest-stars and cameos. And they are all given their moments. How RTD managed to pack so much in one 45 minute episode and do it all justice is astonishing to me. His skill as a writer, producer and show-runner is undeniable and this episode is proof of his mastery of his craft.

The return of Davros, an insane Dalek Caan and the best cliffhanger ending ever (thank gawd we only have to a wait a week!) also serve to make this an outstanding and forever memorable installment. Truly an "A+" effort in all respects.
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