Doctor Who: The Stolen Earth (2008)
Season 4, Episode 12
29 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is my opinion is the best to date, I loved every single solitary second of it. It was so well put together, it had action, it had a load of drama and it pulled off shocks left right and centre. This episode had me captivated from start to finish and at moments hairs on my arms stood on end and i had goosebumps. As the audio of a dalek saying 'Exterminate' echoes round the different companions you see that everyone is not thinking of the worst, to see Sarah Jane hear that chilling voice once again was a truly amazing sight. All of the acting was brilliant, the inclusion of all the companions didn't seem to ruin the episode it made it that much better. The reintroduction of Davros was also a thing to remember for years to come, when the Doctor comes face to face with the creator of the Daleks you can see the shock and heartache going through him, for once the Doctor becomes speechless.

The ending of this episode is the most shocking though, as the Doctor and Rose run towards each other the Doctor is cut down by a Dalek lurking in the shadows, as the episode comes to an end the Doctor begins to regenerate and as the theme tune hits you are not sure what will happen next. Will the doctor regenerate? Was the David Tennant filming the Christmas special a smoke screen? Or will the Doctor somehow stay the same? I for one hope its the latter because i am not ready to say goodbye to the best doctor there has ever been.

I certainly will be sitting down next Saturday to see what happens in the extended finale.
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