Shock horror! Woody Allen makes very funny movie!
24 June 2008
Of course Allen has made some classic comedies and some downright clunkers. He's made dark and dismal dramas as well as dark and wonderful dramas but this is an out and out comedy. Nothing more, nothing less. What makes this particularly engaging is the lightness of touch and exceptionally funny dialogue, great wisecracks, insults and general stupidity. The usual trademark angst of Woody's character is all but absent here and all the better for it. Tracy Ullman gives a wonderful performance as the aspirational Frenchie, although there are a few too many comparisons to Julie Walters in Educating Rita. Nonetheless, she almost steals the movie. Hugh Grant also shows his nastier side quite well as the art dealer with an eye for a quick buck. There's no message in this movie, just a lot of laughs. If you prefer Woody's Bergmanesque cannon, you probably won't go for this but if you like very funny wisecracking comedies, come on in. Not a classic in the same vein as Play it again Sam or Annie Hall but actually funnier than both.
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