War, Inc. (2008)
Review: War, Inc.
18 June 2008
There's is similarity between Richard Kelly's truly fiasco "Southland Tales" and this movie. It's that they're both satire movie that have their head it a right place, but what made them extremely unpleasant to watch is another thing. In the end, "War, Inc." became too aggressive to laugh along with it like we supposed to.

John Cusack, once again, plays a hit man (which seemed like a sequel to "Gloss Point Blank"). After he finished his last job, He receives the next assignment from vice president of US. (cameo by Dan Aykroyd). The mission is to assassinate an oil tycoon named Omar Sharif (one of a running joke that hardly works) who live in recently US. occupied fake country named Turaqistan (Iraq-stand-in ). His cover is to be organizer of an up-coming trade show where Turaqistanian pop-idol sensation (Hilary Duff) will also organize her high-profile wedding. In the mean time, he met free-spirit reporter (Marisa Tomei) who came to do a scoop about trade show but instead getting more than she expected.

I do respect their ambition and gut for doing this kind of story, but sometime things have just blown out of a proportion. Instead of having a nice little satire that will make you re-evaluates about whole things (and still make you chuckle a few times), it seems like they are unintentionally mocking at themselves. In fact, it made me think about watching another crap from two of six writers of "Scary Movie" (you know what I mean, guys who made "Date Movie", "Epic movie", etc). Tell me something, is a tank with advertising banner attached on it supposed to be funny? Or is amputated cabaret showgirls dancing on the stage supposed to be funny? I don't think so.

Acting ranged from barely adequate to downright awful. John Cusack can play this role with his eyes closed (and still pleasant to watch). In fact, he is a few bright spot of this depressing film. Anyway, how can we possible dislike John Cusack playing as himself? For Marisa Tomei, this is a kind of role that can destroy a glimpse of creditability that she made in "Before the Devil Know You're Dead" (and sending her back to Oscar winner Curse's purgatory). And for Hilary Duff, her acting is confined with that horrible accent and moronic story line (I unintentionally laugh-out-loud when I found out the truth about her origin). But I have to confess, I liked her in this film in very weird kind of way (haha+).

While I'm watching this movie, it reminds me of far more superior satire movies like "Wag The Dog" or "The Player", as it both tried to attack the absurdity of political power and media. And whatever it take for people who can do for their personal beneficial, even it will destroys the rest of society. However, just like its predecessor "American Dreamz", "War, Inc." failed to ignite any controversy and end up chasing its own tail.

But it's not completely unwatchable (like "American Dreamz"), "War Inc." has some cracked up idea to offer for almost 1/2 of its running time. Like a piece about war simulator room, that provided for the press who desire to experience in real battle. However, as it turned into incoherent piece of crap in a second half, the movie simply ran out of gas before a finish line. In short, War Inc. will satisfy you long enough, just don't ask for more.
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