Review of Spooked

Fear Itself: Spooked (2008)
Season 1, Episode 2
Not the best follow up
13 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A detective (Eric Roberts) with a rather shady and violent past now searches out cases of infidelity for others. When he takes a case for a mysterious girl (Cynthia Watros), he and his partner (Larry Gilliard Jr.) take the case. Too bad for him that the house is haunted-and the ghost of a past victim of his violence (Jack Noseworthy) wants payback.

At first, "Spooked" seems like it's going to be a nice ride-it has a neat concept, good acting, and a few nice moments. Sadly, they are few and far between, as this ends up being not exactly the best follow up episode.

The "traumatic childhood event" subplot is poorly written, and Noseworthy isn't a very threatening villain. Also, the ending is a cop-out, and leaves much to be desired.

A shame really, as I love Brad ("Session 9", "The Machinist") Anderson's work. His "Masters of Horror" episode "Sounds Like" is one of the best of that series. Here though, it's a swing and a miss.
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