Transformers (2007)
It had it all.
11 June 2008
Great movie.

Although the plot and concept were actually quite a no-brainer, it pulled it off really well. The romance didn't feel too tacky, the emotional moments really felt emotional (which was a disappointment in, for example "Iron Man"), the robots were of course awesome and the script was solid and funny. Top notch.

The high score mainly comes from the fact that it felt philosophical as well. It wasn't really that strongly intelligent, but it does put you to think. The end monologue by OP also felt really moving.

Altogether a great movie and I can't put my finger on why this movie has a 7.5 and a movie like iron man has an 8.3. When the quality of both movies is objectively viewed, I'd definitely switch the scores.

Anyway, definitely recommended. I hope they don't make a sequel. I usually feel they should go on with the concept, but this is just one story and it should remain that way. Keeps us guessing. They kinda ruined Pirates that way, if you ask me.
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