Review of Hula-La-La

Hula-La-La (1951)
The Stooges ain't born to dance!
10 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Hula-La-La" is a very good Three Stooges short that casts the boys as dance instructors for a major motion picture studio, although just how they could have held this position for more than a half hour is quite inconceivable. They are assigned to travel to an island in the South Seas in order to teach the headhunting natives how to dance.

Highlights from "Hula-La-La" include the following (DON'T read any further until after you have watched this film). This just might be the Stooge film in which Moe gets slapped the most times, and it had to be by a four-armed idol! In probably the funniest moment in the whole short, the Stooges' boss Mr. Baines (Emil Sitka) tells the boys that he doesn't want them "to fall down on the job"; Baines then misses his own chair and falls on his ass. A baby alligator crawls on top of Shemp while he hides under a bed; upon spotting a full-sized alligator, Shemp screams! And finally, the closing dance sequence is a very nice touch.

"Hula-La-La" is more about dodging headhunters than about giving dance lessons. It was supposed to be directed by the capable Edward Bernds, but he wasn't available, so the assignment went to producer Hugh McCollum instead. In an unusual casting move, Kenneth MacDonald, usually cast in Stooge films as the suave, sophisticated, pin-striped suited villain, is perhaps miscast in this film as Varanu, the head witch doctor.
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