Jon & Kate Plus 8 (2007–2009)
Viewer of Jon & Kate plus 8
9 June 2008
I'm a single parent with one daughter. My daughter is 11 and she and I really enjoy watching Jon & Kate plus 8. It's a great show and Jon and Kate do a great job. I could not imagine having that many kids but if I did I would do the same by taking care of them. My mother had 8 but not at the same time. The only comment I'd like to make because I am divorced and raising my daughter alone. I think it's great that Jon and Kate get away and have dinners alone from time to time. The only thing I notice and my daughter often comments on, is the fact that Kate is so bossy. On several shows I notice how she speaks to Jon as if he was one of the children. I was watching one episode were Madeline commented that her mom bosses her dad around and she's the queen bee. That's the only thing that really bother me. But, it's nothing against the show I just had to express that.

Sincerely, faithful viewer
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