American Experience: Truman: Part I (1997)
Season 10, Episode 1
Harry Truman: A President for All Seasons ****
1 June 2008
Outstanding biography of our nation's 33rd president.

While it was becoming apparent that Harry Truman was failing at everything he did, when it came to the presidency, he succeeded more than anyone could imagine.

The documentary showed how Truman went into politics thanks to Boss Pendergast. It depicted the dilemma that Truman found himself in. Wanting to do right as the county commissioner but tied to the strings of this malevolent boss.

Truman may have been a footnote in senate history had it not been for his work on showing corruption in defense in the 1940s. The work that he did on the committee certainly caught the eye of President Roosevelt. Though it is said that Roosevelt didn't think much of Sen. Truman, it is hard to believe that despite Roosevelt's failing health, that he didn't care who the Democratic bosses picked as his running mate in 1944. We have to say thank the Lord for the bosses. Had Vice President Henry Wallace been renominated for V.P., this country would have been in a lot of difficulty.

What a tumultuous presidency Truman would have with the threatened railroad strike, use of the a-bomb to end World War 11, Berlin blockade and Korea.

When Truman left office in 1953, his approval rating was 32%. History has judged him a lot better than that.
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