Review of Elves

Elves (1989)
Unintentional masterpiece of good/bad horror,in the tradition of Edward D. Wood
27 May 2008
This is a laugh-riot,right down there with Ed Wood's "Plan 9" for sheer incompetence.I must admit,I've never been sure just how much camp the filmmakers were shooting for with "Elves".I think with films this bad(good),the director just gives up at one point and goes for schlock & laughs.The acting is abysmal(Dan Haggerty's a million laughs),the Elf is a rubber mask on a broomstick,the whole nazi eugenics thing comes out of nowhere near the end and makes zero sense,but as another fellow wrote here,I laughed my ass off.Although I'm a recovering addict,a little maryjane might enhance the experience.btw,the scene where the nasty dept. store manager,Hugh,tries to pay Haggerty in doughnuts,and then Haggerty gets locked out of his trailer,with no's like an outtake from "Strange Brew".I laughed until I soiled myself.
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