Should have been called "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Suckage"
26 May 2008
Bad flick. Really. The first part of the movie feels like an Indiana Jones movie because it revisited themes and visual cues from at least two of the films. After that, it gets dull. There's no sense of urgency with the plot, except that if they don't move fast enough, a very attractive Cate Blanchett will get them. The ending, which I won't spoil here, is ridiculous.

Plus, you've got Shia LaBeouf, who looks like he just walked out of a math class, playing this 50s style greaser. He doesn't look nor sound the part, rather like some discarded extra from The Outsiders, meant to remind people of the era the film takes place in.

I'm not going to say that Lucas and Spielburg have dumped all over our childhood memories, because they haven't; I've got the three good Indy films in my collection and if I feel like watching a solid film, I'll sit down to Raiders.

This movie is merely a cash cow; and what a cash cow it will be.

So, to conclude, I would wait until it's on video and rent it, and not see it at the theatre. It's still better than The Mummy Returns.
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