How dare they?
23 May 2008
The latest in the epic series of "Indiana Jones" has completely messed up my ideas behind the worthiness of a film due to its chronology. Before this installment, Raiders of the Lost Ark was by far my favorite, followed by The Temple of Doom and, in last place by far, The Last Crusade. Now Spielberg, Lucas and Ford came together again and made a complete mockery of my belief that movies and their sequels diminish in value by the order they are created. I'm happy to be wrong.

The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull holds up to the hype, it has that old Indiana Jones feel surrounding it, with action, suspense, romance and the supernatural neatly tied into one explosive package. While The Last Ark is still, in my opinion, the best of the series, this forth installment certainly holds up to the precedent set by the previous films.

Harrison Ford is amazing, even in his mid sixties he can give those Commies a run for their money. Cate Blanchett is a great villainess, Karen Allen is fantastic as Jones's returning love interest, even Shia LaBeouf, who I had reservations about, served the film well as a sort of aspiring tough guy who bumbles along the way. It's a must see, and those who are already whining and complaining need to take a deep breath and realize that all the elements that made the series great are still alive and well in this movie, though perhaps not quite so strong as in the beginning.
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