Just because you can doesn't mean you should
22 May 2008

There is no doubt that this is George Lucas' baby. His fingerprints are all over this. Special effects abound so effusively as to be an advertisement for his FX ranch. I hardly believe that Spielberg had anything to do with this. Reason: There's hardly a story here. There's nothing that goes with you after you leave the theater.

No doubt that Harrison Ford is in incredible shape, and it was great to see him do his stuff. It was nice to see his old flame. It was fine to discover that Shia is his love child. But if that's all there is to it, then the price of admission was fairly a wasted one.

You hardly see a thread of real, pure adventure that ran through the first three, and which you'd expect to see in this one. I'm glad that they didn't try to pass Indy off as just a little older and still battling the Nazis. This time its the Cold War and Indy does battle with the Commies. The movie takes place 19 years after the last one, in 1957. We saw IJ3 19 years ago. So that works. But this is a whole different, and fairly boring animal. More sci-fi and more special effecty that one would ever expect.

Spielberg was always proud that in this franchise his actors did their own stunts and that special effects were kept to a minimum. But its just not so here. They abound with so much ferocity, that one cannot help but to roll one's eyes.

I liked it, but it wasn't worth the 2 decade wait. That's for sure.

I expected more from 2 seasoned, imaginative directors who it seems have more paint than story rolling through their heads. And its a shame. 2 out of 5.
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