Funny Face (1932)
Humorous & Original, But Will Offend Some, Too
20 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Flip's fickle girlfriend has pictures of two guys on her dresser: Flip, and some other dude. The latter is a little more handsome so she picks him. (Shades of the fickle Olive Oyl, Popeye's girl.) This early '30s Betty Boop-looking hottie then rejects Flip, who had come by with flowers. In the end, of course, she winds up seeing she had made the wrong choice as Flip winds up being her hero.

In the middle are so very far-out scenes, you could only witness in a cartoon. After being rebuffed and feeling low-esteem over his looks, Flip sees a magazine ad for plastic surgery.

He decides that's the ticket, so he goes to see "Dr. Skinnum." In the office are about 40 masks on the wall, all of them faces Flip can select to look like. The faces come to life and, after mocking Flip over his "funny face," sing a song telling him to pick one of the faces. About a half dozen sing a quite ditty trying to convince Flip that their face is the best. Among the "contestants" are a gay face and black one. I mention this because some people are going to be very offended at the caricatures. UB Iwerks consistently made fun of the ultra-effeminate gay person and always pictured blacks as some big-lipped monkeys. Yeah, a product of the times.

Nonetheless, Flip picks out one and we hear him yelling, "Ow, ow, ow!" behind the door as the doctor operates and then the scene switches to his girl and her new boyfriend. He, too, is pictured as a wuss as a big bully throws him across the street and takes off with the girl.

What the "new" or really "old" Flip does to save the girl and his own self-esteem, follows.
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