Powerful Film, Fun Times
10 May 2008
Making this film was at times a very intense experience. The story surrounding a young girl dealing with AIDS was very serious but working with executive producers Brad Wigor and Joe Maurer along with Producer Dale White made for more than a few laughs along the way. We had all teamed up before on previous projects so we had a a good working relationship.

Brad, who also directed, wanted to shoot the film in his home town of Cincinnati, Ohio so I went to Ohio with him to set things up. As budgets go, we eventually had to trim plans down to only one day of location filming with a few of the cast members. But we did it and the results were fantastic.

As I think back on the making of this film I remember a couple of special moments. Going to dinner with the crew and sitting next to DP Jack Whitman while he told tales of working with Jack Lord on Hawaii Five-O. Joining members of the cast in Joely Fisher's hotel room in Cincinnati to watch "Misery" on TV. Also in Ohio, meeting Brad Wigor's family. (I'm still not sure if they really understood what line of work Brad was actually in!) And winning the Humanitas Prize for this film. An honor I still cherish today.

Perhaps this film will one day appear on TV or DVD. I know I'd like to see it again.

Michael Killen, Co-Producer
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