bloody depressing!
6 May 2008
as far as setting goes, i agree with the previous poster - the landscape is breath-taking.

the problem is i watch movies to get away from my depressing life. while not *quite* as "train wreck" (iow, can't look away even though you're afraid you'll actually see Something) awful, "Tulsi" just made me want to slit my wrists.

i found the plot very predictable, to be honest. surely there could have been a more logical way to wrap things up instead of the overblown "barbara cartland" ending? not that anybody who wasn't blind or drunk didn't see it coming.

as far as social commentary goes: this film says nothing at all. it's a mishmash of socially idealistic concepts that simply don't happen in real life and especially not to lower-caste widows in rural India.
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