Myst V: End of Ages (2005 Video Game)
A Disappointing Conclusion to a Fantastic Series
5 May 2008
Ever since I was 5 years old, I have been entranced by the grandeur and mythic beauty of Myst. I came into the computer room and found that my father was playing a computer game (very rare for him) I asked what it was. He said it was called "Myst", and said that I wouldn't be interested.

Despite his telling me I wouldn't like it, I always came to stand next to him when he booted up Myst so I could watch the Imersive and colorful worlds on the screen. I helped my dad solve the puzzles until we reached the end of the game, were we met that inconclusive ending.

By now I was an avid Myst fan, and when I heard the sequel was coming, I begged my dad to get it so We could both play it. He eventually bought it and we both loved playing.

Afterwords, I began to send letters to Cyan and Broderbund to ask when Myst III would come. I usually got responses without any conclusive info.

When Myst III came out, I was thrilled and quickly snatched it up. I was shocked however to find that my father did not really feel like playing it, So I played it on my own.

I did this as well with Myst IV, and when I heard that Myst V would be the last title in the series, I was both sad and happy. While I was disappointed at the concept of my favorite computer game series ending, I would finally see the conclusion of one of my favorite games. When I got it for Christmas, I immediately installed it and began to play.

I had heard previously that live action actors were not used for this game, rather, motion capture was the new thing. I had no idea how bad it actually was. I felt no emotion from any of the characters at all, and Yeesha just became a whiny, self absorbed twit, and esher just couldn't leave you alone. Atrus, my favorite character, was absent until the very end.

Speaking of endings, the ending was hardly conclusive at all, with the slate story having absolutely no relation to the Dn'i mythos as a whole. I would have been happy enough if Myst IV had been the last game, but a proper finale would have sufficed just as well.

I am very disappointed in Cyan for rushing this game out only a year after the fourth one, and I wish they had simply taken more time to make it the best it could have been rather then this, to put it bluntly, hack job.
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