Wonderful ice show of the past
3 May 2008
"Frühling auf dem Eis" ("Spring On the Ice") shows an ice revue with wonderful dancing scenes of the past. Recommended to figure-skating historians who want to analyze the skating style of the past on the one hand and to older people who want to look back on the other hand. The scenes that have mostly impressed me are the oriental scene with Eva Pawlik as a slave (the combination of skating and pantomime) and the Viennese Waltz at the end of the film. You can see how much the sport has developed within the last six decades. It is remarkable, however, that Pawlik's pirouettes actually were as fast as they are in the free programs of the present world's elite. The frame story is to some extent a sort of necessary evil of the whole movie. The figure skater Eva Pawlik, however, does her job well not only on the ice but also as an actress. In one of the commentaries on IMDb someone points out that it would have been more difficult for an actor or an actress to skate than it was for a artistically talented skater to act. I agree with that.
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